About Me

Ciao! Despite the Italian sounding ”hello” I am Swedish. My name is Emma and my two passions in life are traveling and wellness. So this blog is “Being A Viking Princess” – leading a healthy lifestyle while vagabonding around the world.

Viking Princess is a nickname that I was given many years ago and I guess it has stuck with me ever since. However, I also like that "title" for what it means to me: Viking stands for being strong and having an appetite for traveling and conquering the world. Princess, well I am a girl and I want to look and feel good. But not by buying lots of products and makeup. Heck no! Been there, done that. I want to achieve that by putting good, nutritious food into my body. But okay, a little mascara and lip gloss does not hurt. I am a newbie in the kitchen, but totally enjoying playing around in this, for me, uncharted territory.

I absolutely love to workout and have over the years tried a long list of sports, ended up being okay at many, but not a pro at any (hey that kinda rimed!). Right now I am devoted to yoga and to the elliptical, but I am game to try all kinds of sports and I return to old loves (still talking sports here) on a regular basis.

My passion for traveling has led me to lead a life on the road for the past 12 years. I have been fortunate to have visited many countries and lived in two apart from Sweden, the US and Australia. But don’t get me wrong, although I sometimes can sound like a total hobo, I am not; I am educated and have a Master's degree in International Relations.

What is the purpose of this blog you may ask? Well, some people who meet me think I have my stuff together (although that pile of stuff is small so I can easily maneuver across the globe) and I am all happy go lucky. Nope! I have baggage (more than the light-blue Samsonite suitcase I bought in 2002, which is still with me today) and have in recent years been working hard to better myself. Feel good. Be happy. Take the ride. So I hope this blog can inspire people to improve themselves and therefore improve the world. (Oh yes I want world peace!) And how does health and traveling go together? For me, and many of my friends, traveling is like oxygen. It’s vital and non-negotiable.

So will this blog only be about the vagabonding Viking Princess? No! When thinking of what my assets are, I realized I have a rather large network of amazing, intelligent friends who hail from many, many nations all over the world. My hope is that several of my fantastic friends will make guest appearances on this blog and give us their insights into wellness and traveling. My interviews with them will be collected under the name "Worldwide Wellness."

And I hope you, dear reader who somehow found this blog, will become my friend too. I am not a very techie person, but I am learning as I go. New in the kitchen, new with technology…I am willing to improve myself!

As my family and I always end our chats with 
– over and out (yes my dad was in the military!)

Much love,


  1. Yay!! Nice kick-off - good luck, Emma! Enjoy this virtual trip of yours! :o)

  2. Nice! :D Keep up the good work, Emma!

  3. Woohoo! I need to see some vlogs of your adventures :)

    1. Oh Vipin, that would be fun but I need more courage to be able to talk into a camera ;)

  4. Its amazing what you have done Emma i love it

    1. Mimi, thank you for supporting me no matter what! We always have each others back!
