Monday, June 2, 2014

Food fit for a viking - first edition

So by reading books and listening to lectures by people in the health field I have started to discover new things to incorporate into my diet. I DO NOT believe in deprivation. How I see it, if you incorporate more and more nutritious foods, they will slowly, but surely, kick out the trash. And I use the word ”diet” as in talking about what I eat, not the kind of ”diet” that involves eating only fat/eating no fat/eating only soup/eating only purple things…etc. Anyone who knows me knows I have never, ever jumped on the train heading for “Starvation Ville”.

For this time around, I will introduce chia seeds and nutritional yeast. I could just say “eat more veggies” and keep it vague and appeal to more people. But I want to introduce some specific food items/supplements which works for me. And okay, not everyone has my body type that reads this, but incorporating these things into your diet may give you a boost of energy and help with detoxification of the body (and honestly those things are key). So here goes:

Chia seeds are right up the alley for a Viking Princess as I have learned that Aztec warriors use to eat them to maintain a high, or at least a steady, energy level. At first they look like little black seeds. But when you soak them in water or almond milk they expand into a gel-like consistency and becomes up to fifteen times bigger. It makes you feel full for the moment and also for the next few hours. They contain a lot of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, oh yes I love me some good FAT! The list of nutrients that are in chia seeds is astonishing, and just to mention something, it’s a complete protein. Chia seeds are also great for a gentle detox of your body as it helps get the junk out of your system, due to it's high level of fiber. 

How to consume chia seeds? I sprinkle them in smoothies or make a pudding of them by soaking the seeds in almond milk, and eat the pudding with a few berries on top as a snack. You can put chia seeds in bread when you make your own, but as I am a newbie in the kitchen, I am not quite there yet. But I have had bread with chia seeds in it and the seeds don’t really ad any flavor, just nutritional value. 

Next up, nutritional yeast. Yes yeast! Yikes! It’s in an inactive form so it’s not the type you use to make bread with etc. I first came in contact with nutritional yeast when I dabbled, as I do from time to time, with vegetarianism and veganism. Nutritional yeast is like chia seeds, a complete protein and a great source of B vitamins. It’s great to obtain shiny, healthy hair! And oh, it’s cheap!

It does look like sawdust to me, but it has a little bit of a nutty flavor, not a sawdust one. Although I can't say what sawdust tastes like. I sprinkle it in sweet potato mash and pasta. I hear people use it as topping on popcorn. But learn from me, do not use TOO much. I read you can use it as a kind of Parmesan cheese type of a deal and sprinkled it VERY generously over pasta. Next day my neck was red and a bit itchy – yes I had overdosed. When I now use 2-3 teaspoons per day, I never had a reaction to it again.

Disclaimer: I am not a licensed nutritionist. And honestly, I am not trained yet to explain exactly how these food items/supplements works. If any of these things tickles your fancy, read up on them, and maybe just try to incorporate them into your daily diet and see how it goes.

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