Friday, June 27, 2014


Our next Princess on the blog is Missy from the USA. Missy and I go way back. We met when we both attended St. Louis Community College at Meramec. Our friendship is rock solid. We can talk about everything and anything and we give each other unconditional support. Health and wellness is important for us both and when Missy very recently successfully completed a half marathon, I could not have been more proud! 

3 healthy foods that you make sure you always have in your kitchen? Spinach, bananas, and red wine! Yes, red wine is a health food. It has antioxidants, and in moderation has great health benefits. I believe in the concept of indulging in pleasure makes you happier which in return makes you healthy!

Any natural food products that you use for beauty purposes externally? I don’t make any of my own concoctions. However, I believe in products that have food products in them. I use Murad skin care. One of the food products they use is Goji Berries. Goji comes from Asia and survives severe drought. It has an oily consistency inside that keeps the fruit hydrated.  Dr. Murad has used this fruit in some of his moisturizers and it’s a great product.

Any website/blog/podcasts that lifts your spirit? I LOVE PINTEREST!!! I have a board called “Be the Best you can be!! I have everything on here that motivates me to be the best version of myself. This usually includes healthy recipes, workouts, or workout gear.

Any healthy food that is a staple in people’s diet in your home country? I think people in America are realizing how important water is. It is important to hydrate your body throughout the day. When you first wake up to flush out the toxins, throughout the day to keep you going, and before you go to bed. Did you know that drinking water before bed can help prevent having a stroke? Drink Up!!

What would you do to chill if you had a free A) hour, B) day, C) week? Hour- take a nap. It is vital to get rest in. When we get adequate rest, we feel better and are able to conquer the day! Day- Spend some time outside! I love working in the yard or going to the park with my dog. Vitamin D is important to me. I love to feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. It makes me feel like a flower soaking up the sun and blooming. Week- Get out of town!!! Traveling is important to my health. Traveling is a great way to do something different. Learn about another culture, try new food, talk to new people, and see the sites you won’t see in your hometown. When you travel, you are opening your mind to new things. This keeps the mind young and strong.

Do you have a favorite inspirational quote and if so, what is it? "If not now, when?” This is something I say to myself all the time when I’m trying to do something good for myself. Whether it’s deciding to go back to school, try a new workout, take a trip, try a new hobby. Always challenge yourself to do what you want to do. Don’t wait. I recently took the day off to spend with my niece for her 5th birthday. She decided she wanted to go ice skating. I’m always up for a challenge, so I was excited to go. When we got to the ice, it was my usual routine of clinging to the wall for the first hour and finally allowing myself to skate without holding on to the boards. I decided after that day that I will be going to the ice rink every Sunday to skate for 90 minutes. My goal is to be able to approach the rink and just skate without touching the sides. I want to look my fear in the eye and say, “I got this”!! Set goals for yourself and start them now. If not now, when?

Any guilty pleasures (food wise) you have? And do you have a healthy variety/spin on that? My family makes fried chicken and french fries quite a bit. I will eat this every now and then with them, however I prefer my healthier version of baked skinless chicken with sweet potatoes sliced in olive oil and spices (garlic powder and cayenne pepper). This is a meal I can eat all the time and it feels like a treat!!

My blog is called “Being a Viking Princess”, what does that “name” mean to you? Viking Princess. When I hear this I think of someone who is very lady like and as in touch with their femininity; someone who wants to conquer the world and take on the challenges that come along with that; someone who looks fear in the eyes and wants to understand how the world works on a social level.

Thank you so much Missy for being a guest on my blog! Despite that our monthly dinner dates will no longer be in person, they will take place!  We will talk online with a glass of Merlot next to us, and I am certain that we will continue to talk about all topics under the sun.

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