Thursday, July 10, 2014


Our next Princess on the blog is Debora from BRAZIL. We met when we both attended St. Louis Community College at Meramec a long time ago. Our friendship has flourished over the years and she even visited my hometown in Sweden a couple of years ago. She gives great advice and great hugs! During an epic trip we took together with two other wonderful friends she also demonstrated her skills in cooking an incredibly tasty breakfast. Take it away my dear! 

Any easily accessible workout tips you can share for when someone is traveling? Depending of the trip you will walk so much that it’s OK to skip working out. I think it’s OK to skip working out and getting out of your routine when you are on vacation.

Any website/blog/podcasts that lifts your spirit? Sometimes when I’m feeling down I like cooking, so, the best website EVER for recipes. But if I’m feeling too lazy I will spend some time on Pinterest trying to get inspired.
Any healthy food that is a staple in people’s diet in your home country? It’s kind of hard to say if there is a “new trend” since I left my country, but one thing that has always been popular and it is good for you is Açaí served with banana and granola. Açaí is a fruit originated from Brazil and they freeze it and then blend the frozen fruit to get into a thick smoothie consistence and serve it in a bowl with banana and granola on top.

What would you do to chill if you had a free A) hour, B) day, C) week? A)depend of the time of the day, but probably watch TV. B) if it’s sunny, probably take my dog to the park, and/or take my camera to play around shooting some photos; if it’s cold, probably bake something and cuddle with my dog in front of the TV under a blanket. C) oh boy… do I have money and is my husband off too? If so, probably would travel somewhere.

Do you have a favorite inspirational quote and if so, what is it? "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." – Dr. Seuss.

When you have to travel far on an airplane, what is your best advice to arrive feeling as refreshed as possible? That’s a tricky one, especially if the flight is long. But usually I carry a toothbrush and paste, and I wear a thin pad (TMI – LOL!!!) So I can change it and be “fresh” at all times. I also usually don’t put makeup on so I can wash my face and I will put it on when I’m about to get to my destination.

Any guilty pleasures (food wise) you have? And do you have a healthy variety/spin on that? Chocolate. I try to go for the dark ones since it is not so bad for you. I just can’t leave without it :)

Where would you go for a chilled vacation in your home country? Oh boy this could be a loooong list. But for people that have never been to Brazil and think Rio de Janeiro is the best place to visit I say ‘NO, IT ISN’T’. I definitely recommend the Northeast of Brazil. Places like Fortaleza, Recife, Porto de Galinhas, Jericoacoara, among others. 

Thank you so much my dear friend for being a part of this digital journey! One day I will visit your beautiful and vibrant home country! Until then, keep smiling and keep making amazing dishes! I know I will eat them again sometimes in the future. 

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