Thursday, August 7, 2014


This week's princess on the blog is Jocelyn from AUSTRALIA. Jocelyn and I met when I was living in Sydney. Although we did not have a chance to hang out that many times in person (but we did both attend a wonderful lecture by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama!) we keep in contact via Facebook. Jocelyn regularly posts some really funny comments and pictures - they always brightens up my day. I am very thankful for the friendship we are building via Facebook. Happy you can be part of the Worldwide Wellness Series my friend from Down Under! 

Do you have a favorite inspirational quote and if so, what is it? “People may forget what you said but they’ll never forget the way you made them feel.” I do volunteer work with sick children and I live this quote through this work.

If you are feeling down, what song would you listen to in order to get in a better mood? “I believe I can fly” or an upbeat song.

A famous quote from Aung San Suu Kyi is:” If you are feeling helpless, help someone.” Do you have a suggestion on how to brighten up someone’s day? The simplest actions speak a thousand words. We have an elderly friend and just being with my dogs brightens up her day. Usually just spending time with people who need the support is what works best.

Where would you go for a chilled vacation in your home country? Queensland or anywhere near the beach.

If someone close to you is struggling to find his or her purpose in life, which book would you recommend them reading? “You can heal your life.”

Dream destination? In the last couple of years I visited the countries on my bucket list including Thailand, Italy, Africa and Mauritius.

Personality traits of dream travel companions? Enjoy trying new things.

Any “ritual” you do every night to end the day on a good note, and if so what is it? Since I started my new job I am so exhausted that I just go to bed! Lol Prior to this I used to listen to music and sometimes guided meditation.

Thank you so much Jocelyn for answering my questions! I completely agree with you that actions speak a thousand words! It is very inspiring to hear about your work with sick children and how you help your elderly friend. Hopefully we can meet in person in a near future, maybe when I return to Sydney for a visit  one day or perhaps in Sweden, you are more than welcome here! 

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