Thursday, August 21, 2014


Our guest on the blog this week is a princess from SWEDEN, Catharina. Catharina and I met when we both were living and working in Sydney, Australia. We bonded quickly and we started hanging out at various coffee shops and went on day trips around Sydney. Later on, we moved in together and our friendship blossomed. We had so much fun together and gave each other support in any situation that came up. These days we are miraculously living in the same country again, Sweden, after separately doing some serious vagabonding . I am thrilled to have her as a guest on the blog!

Do you have a “ritual” you do every morning to get your day off to a good start and if so can you please explain it? Unfortunately I don´t see it like a good ritual, but I really need a coffee in the morning to get going. My addiction came when I worked as a barista at a café in Australia. To be honest I am not really happy with my addiction to it, but without working there I would probably not have met my lovely friend Emma, so I´m okay with it.

3 healthy foods that you make sure you always have in your kitchen? Fruits, berries and fil (Swedish mix between yoghurt and milk).

Any easily accessible workout tips you can share for when someone is traveling? Always bring your running shoes. I love getting up early in the morning and go for a run and at the same time I explore a lot of places that I would like to visit later on during the day.

Drinking plenty of water is considered healthy, but not always easy to remember to do. Any advice on how to get enough water throughout the day? Before I leave my home I always drink a big glass of water, it has become a habit. Before leaving the house I always ask myself, do I have my mobile, keys, money and did I drink water. I also always bring water with me, I never buy smaller purses than that it can fit a bottle of water.

Healthy snacks you bring on trips or have in your bag on a regular basis? Most of the time I have a fruit in my handbag, if I don´t get food in time I get very moody, so I have it for the best of my surrounding.
Any guilty pleasures (food wise) you have? And do you have a healthy variety/spin on that? I love chocolate! But I rarely have it at home because I know I would eat it straight away. I buy it during weekends or when I really really feel that I need some.

If money and time was no object, where would you go for an active vacation in your home country? I would go skiing in Sälen. I love skiing but because I live in the south part of Sweden I rarely go.

Where would you go for a chilled vacation in your home country? I would go to my parents’ summerhouse in Åhus and just relax.

Thank you so much my dear "ex sambo" (former roommate) for your answers! We will meet up soon I am sure and talk, talk, talk. Our record for talking stands at 16 hours straight during a Christmas break I think!

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