Wednesday, September 3, 2014

We are the world...

20 participants coming from 15 different countries. 6 of the 7 continents were represented. Last week’s interview was the last one for Season One of the Worldwide Wellness Series. I have yet to decide if there will be more seasons, although I am beyond thrilled to see how well received it was! As for now, I want to reflect on the insights these 20 mini interviews gave me, us. Much is happening in the world. Many events that are not particular happy. There are wars going on, outbreaks of horrendous diseases, plane crashes, beheadings, you name it. I love watching the news and it’s a constant joke in my family that I always ask to put on various news channels. Must be my International Relations background.  However, the news can sometimes focus on what sets us humans apart from each other. I would like to do the opposite here. What makes us similar? I believe we are very similar; all humans want to be happy.  So how can we make ourselves happy? Because shouldn’t the first step be to work on ourselves? This seems to be a thought echoed throughout the interviews. Think of the analogy of the safety instructions given before a commercial flight takes off. You must put on your own oxygen mask first before aiding others. If you are at peace, you can exude this to the people in your surroundings. But then what?  How do we help make others happy? The following thoughts are loosely based on the 20 interviews I collected.

As a side note, I am sure my dear teachers at university, who coached me in ways to conduct scientific research, may place a palm over their face thinking "did the Swedish girl not pay attention at all?!" Words such as thesis, qualitative versus quantitative data and sampling comes to mind. I think what I am doing are case studies. Maybe?! I have realized that people's stories fascinate me a great deal. Every human has a story.  I love reading biographies. And I also love learning from people I care for and respect. To be in the presence, both physically and virtually, of inspiring people helps me to push my own envelope. And yes some of my questions may have been slightly leading, but we all know I won’t be receiving a Pulitzer Prize anytime soon for this blog. Sorry in advance; this can become a little, or actually a lot,  “we are the world.” But honestly, in a world of turmoil, I think we need some mushiness sometimes. And don’t get me wrong, I love that countries and cultures differ. That is why I have devoted most of my life to traveling. However, what do my 20 Vikings and Princesses, and I include myself in this, have in common?

We speak different languages, but have one in common, English. Knowing English has allowed friendships to blossom.

Chocolate is many people’s vice. We try not to eat too much of it, but the general consensus seemed to be it's okay to have it now and then.

We are bad at remembering to drink water. We who are fortunate to have access to clean, safe drinking water need constant reminders to stay hydrated. So bring that water bottle with you everywhere! This was the most common advice.

One can always bring sneakers on trips in order to exercise. Walking/running outside is free and can expose us to glorious new surroundings. Who knows what kind of adventures are just around the corner?!

It’s important to take care of ourselves, meaning mind and body. The consensus was that physical well-being goes hand in hand with mental well-being. Eating healthy food is important and so is physical activity. But we must not be too hard on ourselves. We need to truly enjoy life and not be extreme one way or another.

Music can be of assistance of healing wounds in our hearts. Or to give us a kick in the butt when we need to get energized and going. So throw a dance party, with one or more participants, on a regular basis.

In order to cheer someone up we love to offer a smile to that person. To make him or her laugh and feel acknowledged. Many good quotes were passed on by my guests, and here is one that came up more than once: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” by Maya Angelou.

One way to end the day on a good note is to think of all the good things, big and small, that went down during the day. Some people seems to be naturally wired to feel happy and look at the bright side of life most of the time. Others have a bit of a struggle. But we all need to remind ourselves to feel gratitude for what we have, instead of focusing on what we don’t have.

When asked for tips on where to go for a chilled and active vacation in their home countries, my guests had a lot to say. And my take on this is: it means all countries have their charm. All countries have places worth visiting. I hope these answers inspired some future traveling to occur. Both to other countries, but perhaps they also sparked an interest in exploring one’s own immediate surroundings. My aim is to keep vagabonding and I will probably at one point be the oldest lady ever to stay at a hostel. Unless I marry rich first of course and will then be chilling at various Sheraton Hotels around the world.  

One saying I like goes like this: “Love People Cook Them Tasty Food”. That’s a definite action one can take to brighten someone’s day. I like actions. You can always take someone out for a nice meal if you feel lost in the kitchen and think you may give your friend food poisoning instead of a culinary extravaganza. But perhaps we can be inspired of the many different cultures and countries represented? And yes, here is where the difference is definitely a strength. Some of the food/spices mentioned were: couscous, paprika, brown bread, cumin, rice, bananas, young coconut water, natto, asparagus, turmeric, mate, red wine, potatoes, acai, kale, kimchi, rice, fil, red rice…go at it and have a smörgåsbord! Yes that is a real word which is used internationally and yes it is Swedish.  

I have found it that when you learn about a culture, you generally like it more. We humans seem to be slightly wired to be suspicious about the unknown, although we are also curious at the same time. The more you know about a person the more you like him or her. Well, hopefully. And wars, well if more bridges of international friendships were built (oh yes totally mushy writing now!) I don’t think that many wars would happen.

I want to say THANK YOU to all who participated! THANK YOU for taking the time to answer my questions. I loved that I learned from you. Not just about tips and tricks to stay healthy. Many times I had to YouTube songs and locations you recommended and this broadened my horizons. No, but I am also thankful that I learned about you, my dear friends, as people. And THANK YOU to all who read the interviews and commented. I loved how supportive you were of the posts and respectful to the guests. I am very thankful that I have such a strong network of inspiring people located all over the world. 

Shanti (peace in Sanskrit)…had to end on a “we are the world” note.

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