Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Settling In

Starting all over is not something I shy away from. I have switched continents 8 times over the past 12 years (as in moving the majority of my stuff etc). I am no stranger to new situations or people. But it’s not easy. When you change one thing about yourself, it can be scary. How about you change everything at once? Country, job, apartment, language, gym, grocery store, hairdresser, the person that takes care of your eyebrows (as I am sure you all have one of those), dentist, doctor, means of transportation…you get the point. It can be a bit nerve-wracking and quite frankly, daunting.

I spent the fall of 2014 vagabonding all over the world as that was my plan after leaving the US in June. I allowed myself some time to do what I love, traveling. It also eased my way into Swedish society as I was half here and half out in the world. But when the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2014 and we welcomed 2015, it was game time. Time to get serious about settling into life in Malmö. I had already started some stuff in the fall, but now it was time to mean business. Business as in my job search was on full blast. It was not a very enjoyable process, not at all. But in the end I was victorious (I am a very, very lucky duck) and in a magical twist of fate, I now work for the symbol of my new city, a skyscraper called Turning Torso. My aim was to find employment with a company/organization/place which I could be proud of and where I would utilize my broad, and somewhat weird, work/life experiences. I found it at Turning Torso and seriously, I could not be happier. As I want to dedicate myself to becoming the very best I can be in my new role, I am going to take a break from blogging for a while. Not that many of you are just dying to get small tidbits of my thoughts on a regular basis and this will be a huge inconvenience for you :) But I am however very grateful that so many of you like my writing and this warms my heart to the core. I will put the blog on ice like an expensive bottle of Champagne (think of it as a Boërl & Kroff Brut from 1996), which will be worth the wait. Sooner or later I will be back and we will pop this sucker right back open again.

I am excited to settle more and more into my new place of living. Finding my new job has most definitely assisted in this process in more ways I can say. The other day I bought a monthly bus card to use for going to and from work. I am beyond thrilled that I can take the bus there. I haven’t really ridden a bus anywhere on a regular basis for…well, all my life. I feel more Swedish for every ride I take. And I feel that I am part of the city, Malmö. I see the city wake up in the morning and I see it settle in for the evening, all depending on what time of day I head to and from work. It reminds me of the scene in “Beauty and the Beast” when the main character Belle sings the song “Little Town” and all the villagers start their working day. Seriously?! I can’t believe I just referenced a Disney movie yet again in this blog. Last time it was Olaf, the Snowman from “Frozen” who liked warm hugs. Regardless, I am now thrilled to start this new chapter of my life…living one adventure at a time. So for now…over and out.

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