Thursday, April 17, 2014


Next princess/guest on this blog is from HUNGARY - Dori came into my life when she attended Webster University a while back. Since meeting each other, we have shared adventures not only in St. Louis, but also in New York City and in her hometown Budapest. I will never forget how generously her family opened their home to me and treated me to amazing home cooked meals. I felt so welcomed! I know Dori and I will continue to meet up in various places around the world, next time is in one week when I fly to NYC again!

Please finish the sentence: “A healthy person in my opinion is...”
  A healthy mind in a healthy body. Might sound like a cliché, but I do believe that the two go hand-in-hand, completing each other.

Do you have a “ritual” you do every morning to get your day off to a good start and if so can you please explain it? Chocolate milk, first thing in the morning. Always.

If you are feeling down, what song would you listen to in order to get in a better mood?
Depends on what caused the bad mood. Sometimes I need something hard (e.g. Dream Theater or Alanis Morissette) to let the steam out, sometimes smoother music (e.g. Norah Jones or Dido) will calm me down.
Have you ever been on a trip and discovered a new healthy food/spice that you now have incorporated into your everyday diet? If so where did you go and what kind of food/spice? I just recently realized the great taste of ground cumin, we use it in whole in Hungary, and I never liked it. Also, the Middle-Eastern spice “Za’atar” changed my cooking habits a few years ago, after a trip to Israel.
Drinking plenty of water is considered healthy, but not always easy to remember to do. Any advice on how to get enough water throughout the day? A huge bottle of water (at least 2 liters) in your purse or backpack: you don’t want to carry it around for too long, do you? :)

What is the “weirdest” advice, health wise, you have heard from someone in your home country? Did it work? We hold that our spicy-hot paprika helps blood circulation and red wine is good for blood cell creation. Or the belief that a piece of garlic, chewed whole, will help prevent you from getting sick in the flu season.

A famous quote from Aung San Suu Kyi is: ”If you are feeling helpless, help someone.” Do you have a suggestion on how to brighten up someone’s day? Smile. Always. No matter what. It multiplies in the eyes of those who need it.

My blog is called “Being A Viking Princess", what does that “name” mean to you? Haha, that name = Emma, to me :) But if I heard it for the first time I’d say it is an interesting contradiction: Viking being tough and somewhat barbaric, Princess being soft and noble.

Thank you! Dori, you don’t just talk the talk, but you truly walk the walk. You always have a smile on your face and bring such joy into people’s lives every single day! Stay the way you are my dear friend! See you very soon!

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