Monday, April 21, 2014

I dare you

The first time I ever attended a yoga class was 11 years ago. I mainly signed up to see what it was all about. And okay, for the “cool” factor of saying “yes, I do yoga." My workout routines at that time were very hard core with me working out for 1-2 hours per day (sometimes twice a day - crazy! I know!). But it was when I incorporated 2 yoga sessions per week into my routine that I saw a real change in my body. I felt strong and I looked MUCH more toned overall. Yoga has also helped keep my sanity when life has been tough on me. I have heard friends say they are a bit intimated to go into a yoga class as they don’t know how to act. Well, here is some advice:

Just try it! I have seen men and women of all shapes and sizes do yoga. Yoga is not a competition. Nobody will judge you for not reaching your toes or the floor. Some people are flexible bending forward, some to the side. Some, not at all. And it’s all okay. You will most likely become more flexible the longer you practice.

Yoga people, we are a friendly bunch. I have taken yoga classes in several different countries. Everywhere I have seen people moved their mats to make sure a latecomer can fit their mat on the floor. We always make space, always. One of my teachers gently says when the class is rather full: “Just test out your real estate", meaning make sure you don’t poke your neighbor in the eye.

And yes mat. If you are trying yoga for the first time and taking the class at a gym and not a bona fide yoga studio, don’t take the thick mattresses some gyms have. Go for the real yoga mats, "sticky mats" as they are called, if they are available. If the gym does not have them, ask friends if anyone has one you can borrow if you don’t want to buy one when you are just trying it out. The mat makes a whole lot of difference. If you are in St. Louis, USA, I will lend you mine! In Sweden my mother currently practices using my very first yoga mat that I dragged across the Atlantic to Sweden once upon a time.

If you feel intimidated, pick a spot not necessarily in the back of the room (as you want to see the teacher clearly) but perhaps next to a wall. That always made me feel safer. You can use the wall for balancing poses and overall feel like you don’t have anyone to consider to one of your sides. If at any time in the class you need a break, go into the resting pose called “child’s pose” (Google it before your first session).  It’s perfectly fine and no one cares. It just shows you are listening to your body and that brings respect in this kind of crowd.

If you try a yoga class with one instructor and you don’t like it, have another go with a different instructor. I have definitely had some excellent instructors over the years and some not so great.

In the end of each session, it’s customary to lay down on the floor and being still in “the corpse pose” also known as "savasana." Meditation may intimidate people. But fear not, just take this moment to pause. Stress is such a deadly (yes, I wrote deadly) factor in our society today and anything we can do to combat it, by for example learning how to be comfortable while being still for a few minutes, is great.

Another health benefit is that you really get to know your body. I know models that swear they are better at their profession because of yoga. You learn how to listen to your body and may be able to detect possible health issues quicker than if you don’t practice.  You become more aware of your breathing. Musicians - Maybe this is something for you?

Although yoga can be as strenuous of a workout as you make it, sometimes you don’t sweat that much and can easily go to a causal dinner afterwards without having to hit the showers first. Oh yes I have done this! (For the record, I do shower regularly). 

I sincerely hope you give yoga a try! 

My current favorite yoga pose? Crow.


  1. Love everything about this post! I tried yoga a month ago for the first time and it sure does make me feel really good! I do plan on continuing it once I am done with this semester.

    1. Oh Suhani my friend! I was so happy when you told me that you have discovered yoga and even more happy to hear that you will keep it up!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My favorite is "yoga lite" body balance that is a mix of yoga tai chi and pilates, and it has the same relaxing end to it as yoga. After a very stressful day a body balance class will litterary bring me back to balance!

    1. Ingalill, I had not heard about body balance before you mentioned it but it seems like its something I definitely should try in the future! Thanks!!
