Monday, April 7, 2014

Introducing the Worldwide Wellness Series...

I did not want to make this blog all about me. While reading interviews and listening to podcasts of movers and shakers, entrepreneurs and philanthropists, it seems as if they were all posing one question everyone should ask themselves: what are your greatest assets?

In my case, my passion for the subjects I want to blog about is a great asset. But also my network of truly amazing friends from all over the world. Over the years I have been fortunate to have many very intelligent people coming into my life. So I started reaching out to a few of them (a bit nervously I may add - so if I did not ask you the first time around it may have been that my confidence was not up to par) to see if they wanted to make an appearance here. I was overwhelmed when so many said yes!

My aim is to, via my friends, be able to showcase different foods around the world, ideas on how to relax etc and from that learn from each other. We can all learn things from professionals in various fields of course, but also from so called ordinary (well they are all rockstars in my book) people to get ideas about attainable changes we can make in our lives. And if people seem to answer in similar ways, I think its a beautiful indication that although we may be born in different countries, we are all the same. (Yes, I am going a bit hippie here!). Human  beings everywhere wish to be happy and free from suffering. Please stay tuned!
Guilin, China - 2012

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