Thursday, April 24, 2014

Saudi Arabia

The first "Viking" on this blog is my dear friend Hassan from SAUDI ARABIA. We met, like my previous guests, at Webster University. Despite that he returned home to Saudi Arabia a while back and works a lot, we manage to stay close via Facebook and Whatsapp. He also surprised me with a phone call a few weeks back and it seriously made me smile for hours! Thank you Hassan for being a guest on my blog!

Do you have a “ritual” you do every morning to get your day off to a good start and if so can you please explain it? I don’t really have a specific ritual, but I always try to tell myself “this is going to be a good day, better than yesterday” and try to be positive and grateful to God for giving me a new day.

Healthy foods that you make sure you always have in your kitchen? Dates, vegetables, and fruits.

Any healthy food that is a staple in people’s diet in your home country?
Brown bread.

Do you have a favorite inspirational quote and if so, what is it? “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix

If you are feeling down, what song would you listen to in order to get in a better mood? I like to listen to the saxophone.

Drinking plenty of water is considered healthy, but not always easy to remember to do. Any advice on how to get enough water throughout the day? Always carrying a bottle of water with you helps a lot.

Where would you go for a chilled vacation in your home country? To the beach or camping in the desert.

Please finish the sentence: "A healthy person in my opinion is..." The one who has clean thoughts and a pure heart. 

Thank you so much my friend for being the first guy on this blog! I hope we can go camping in the desert outside of Dubai when we finally reunite there! It will happen one day soon! 

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