Monday, May 12, 2014

Gym etiquette

Summer of 2014 is rapidly approaching, but I have never been a fan of trying to get in shape for the sole purpose of fitting into a bathing suit. And I grew up right next to the nicest beaches Sweden has to offer. And yes we have beaches; we don’t have icy conditions all year round! One can say, our LIFE is rapidly approaching (oh dear, if you are reading this, I hate to break it to you, but your life is already HERE), so let’s get crackin at getting in shape for life…if you start today you are already on your way to wellness. However, I feel there is certain etiquette for how to behave at a gym.

For me, the gym is a holy place. It’s a place I go to get the stressors of the day out and to have energy flow back into my system. I don’t walk into a church disrespecting the believers by dropping the f word, so please don’t contaminate my place of worship. (Or one of my many places of worship I should say). Here are some pointers, which in my book, makes the gym an amazing place to be!

Please do: Wipe down the machines after you are done with them. The bottles filled with cleaning liquid with rags on top of them scattered around the room (at most gyms) are there for a reason.

Don’t: Talk on your cell phone. Yes I understand you may need to answer a quick phone call, but a play by play reenactment of the previous night’s events is not something the rest of us need to hear. (And I am sorry, girl on the treadmill next to me, but no I don’t think the cute guy from last night’s clubbing extravaganza likes you as he ignored you the whole time).

Do: Help out other gym goers if they need help spotting at the weight lifting section.

Don’t: Gawk at the girl you are spotting so much you let her drop weights on herself (yes that hurt my already mangled up ribcage).

Do: Compliment girls/guys that are in shape (in a non creepy manner, and this can be tricky) and ask for advice on how they got fit.

Don’t: Pretend to be recovering from a heavy lift session so you can stand watching others lift creepily. (Man, I wish I could give more straightforward advice on how not to be a creep in the gym, but its a fine line to walk!)

Do: Ask the trainers or people working at the gym if you need help to find the proper form for a certain machine. This will allow you to get more out of the workout and will prevent injuries (and honestly will make you look less silly, and that’s a goal in itself, right?)

Don’t: Wear a lot of makeup to the gym girls! I understand some makeup may have to be worn if you are coming directly from work or if you feel you need to cover up acne etc. But a full fresh face of heavy liquid foundation is not the way to go.

Do: Drink water (maybe green tea or put cucumber in ordinary water) to feel refreshed and prevent dehydration. However, you may be approached by a stranger asking if you are drinking beer at the gym (buddy, it was green tea!). This can be a conversation opener or a nuisance, whichever way you take it.

Don’t: Drink sugary energy drinks and think that is okay. It’s not.

Do: Wear appropriate gym wear, black yoga pants with colorful tops is my way to go.

Don’t: Wear jeans while running on a treadmill. First, you are going to sweat your butt off in a very gross manner and second, how can that not hurt you???

Do: Join a gym if you can and want to. Or workout outside where some – but not all – of these etiquette advice apply.

Oh and guys, please don’t skip leg day :)

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